I look back on that time in my life with bittersweetness. Both my aunt and uncle passed away several years ago. They had sold their house in Scottsboro, AL and moved to my hometown a few years prior to their passing. But I can close my eyes and still hear the sound of the screen door slam shut, echoing through the garage. I can hear my aunt’s raspy laugh, and see the flickering dance of the fluorescent light in the kitchen. I learned to knee board on the lake across the street from that house, and played “war games” in the woods behind it. I remember swimming in their pool in the summer, and playing board games in my cousin’s bedroom floor, like it was just a brief moment ago, not well over twenty years or more.
Freddy Krueger and the nightmare movies were a part of those great memories. Up, late at night, watching movies that terrified me, knowing I would probably get scared out of my wits, and loving it. One time, my cousin disappeared to the bathroom for a bit. When he returned he had two bloody bite marks on his neck, and looked at me with wild staring eyes, never saying a word. Just staring at me. I knew he was only fooling, and trying to scare me. And even as I tried to convince myself it was a prank, and knowing it was, there was still some doubt as to whether my cousin had just been bitten by a vampire or werewolf or some other ungodly creature.
Morning would come, and the terrors of the night were forgotten; as it often happens in life.
There have only been a small handful of movies that have actually terrified me as an adult, few and far between I would say, if any at all. Some make me jump, but few truly scare me. I still watch them. Still hoping for the one that will send chills up my spine and cause me to draw my legs up beneath me for fear of a hand reaching from under the couch to grab me, and pull me down to a hellish end. I think it’s similar to what drug users call "chasing the dragon”; which simplistically put, means to chase the ultimate high, which for many people is their first high, never to be reached again, but they always chase it, searching for that same euphoric feeling. It’s the same for me, I suppose. Always searching for that feeling, of times that are long since gone, the euphoria of innocence.