Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Who Are These Women?

Who are these women? These women I keep seeing on the cover of Cosmopolitan? These women who apparently somehow manage successful careers while raising 3 children and still maintaining the figure of a 20 year old while pushing 40? Who never let love get the best of them... Who never cuss...  These bitches kick ass and take names.

Okay, admittedly, I know some of these women. I also hate them a little bit. But only because I am convinced they are full of shit, and hiding some really weird side of themselves - these are also the women most likely to be plotting your death right now, with a knife, while you're sleeping. It's always the quiet ones....

But I am not one of them. I'm 36 years old and most days I still don't know what the hell I'm doing. Does he love me? Does he love me not? Do these pants make me look fat? And why can't I fry chicken without burning the outside? I'm Southern, frying chicken should just be in my soul.

The thing is, most of the women I know are not that person either. And it's high time we stopped expecting so much of ourselves. Since when it is considered uncool to show emotions? If someone breaks your heart, it's okay to cry!!!!!!! No need to convince the world what a strong woman you are with some random facebook posts about "how life is working out like it should". Fuck that shit. Sometimes you need a bottle of wine, a sad ass movie and a good friend that doesn't mind if you cry into the throw pillow. Sometimes men suck. Sometimes women do too. And yet, men still suck more. So By Holy Heavens - let that shit out. You can't kill them (legally) so might as well wear a bathrobe, have a good cry, followed by an even better laugh, and curse their ass. And stop being so damn strong. You just make the rest of us feel bad for being honest, and you're only making yourself more miserable.

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