Today is my 38th birthday, woo boy, 40 is just around the corner. How and when did that happen?
I have a lot to be thankful for today. Number one, I am thankful to still be alive. Number two, I am so very thankful for my family and friends who have supported me over the last year, and all the years previously. I am thankful for my loving, faithful canine companions, and even my cat, even though he is a stone cold killer and has destroyed more things in and around my house than all of the dogs combined. I’m thankful God has given me strength and determination, and a good sense of humor. I’m thankful that I have a cozy home to live in, and can afford to provide for myself and my animals. I’m thankful for insurance, and brilliant doctors and other medical staff. I am thankful for advancing technologies in healthcare. And I’m thankful Facebook did not exist when I was a teenager. Thank YOU, mom, for giving birth to me and enduring my stubbornness even at birth. After all, I was a breech birth.
I have learned so much about myself, life, and even some of the people I thought I knew well, only to realize there is still much to learn about them and from them. I have gained a wisdom that only comes from experience, and much of that experience stems from learning a few lessons the hard way. I’ve made many mistakes in life, and have tried to balance those mistakes with sharing some of the knowledge I have. I told my parents not too long ago, that while I am in no hurry to die, and would rather not for many, many, many years to come; if I did meet my end in the near future, then I have no regrets. I have lived a fuller life at 38, then some people have at 98. I’ve been sick, I’ve been poor, I’ve had my heart broken. On the flip side, I have had many years of good health, I’ve earned more money than I needed to live, and I have been deeply loved. I have travelled to many places and seen some truly wondrous sites and met truly incredible people. I have friendships that will never end. I have stories. Lots of stories. I’ve had many adventures, and still do, with more to come in the future.
A few nights ago we celebrated mine and my mom’s birthdays. Her, my dad, two of her sisters and I went out to eat, then went back to my parents’ house for after dinner drinks and socializing. We had a wonderful time, and did a lot of laughing. My dad got me a handgun I’ve been wanting, and told me he was proud of me. Saturday, some friends and I enjoyed an evening of food and drink, and lots of laughter. Today I’m having a spa day with one of my best friends, and tonight, it’s dinner with some of my favorite women. It doesn’t get much better.
I have been blessed far more than I deserve. But, if given the opportunity, I will strive to make the next years of life the best; continue to reach for the stars, surely fail a few more times, but occasionally win a few too. I will shine as brightly as I can, even when there is no light.
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