Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Time for a Cool Change

Whoever said people don't change, obviously didn't meet very many people. People change all the time. I think what they meant to say was that people don't change just because you want them to. That part seems to have been lost in translation. People change because they get older, wiser, and more experienced. People change because they see an attribute within themselves they are no longer satisfied with and decide to do something about it. People change because life deals them an unexpected hand that they must now face. Or they change because they have learned from past mistakes what works and what doesn't. But they do not, and will not change because they don't fit into some ideal image you yourself have created for them. And they never will. So stop expecting it.

A lot of relationships fail for this reason. Romantic, platonic, and familial relationships fail because of some unrealistic expectation of how we think someone should behave, and when they don't fit into the mold we have created for them, we feel let down.

Look, it's really this simple. You have two choices in any relationship. Either accept it for what it is, and that means accepting them exactly as they are at that time in their lives, or move on. If your boyfriend doesn't bring you flowers, and you want one that does, then find yourself the romantic type. There are plenty of flower-bearing men in this world. If your girlfriend doesn't enjoy World of Warcraft, and you can't live without a gaming partner, then find someone who shares your passion for video games. If you can no longer stand another minute listening to your bff's never ending drama, stop answering the phone. If you are unhappy with your relationship with someone, then get out of it. Otherwise, shut the hell up about it.

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